On-Demand Yoga with Sandra

Rise and Shine

Start your day like the masters do with this flow-to-zen daily routine.

Heart Centered Vinyasa

INTERMEDIATE - 45 Minutes. Fit for all levels, with modifications for the new practitioner and amplifications for the experienced yogi. Calling on heart openers and back-bends to get out of the thinking mind and into the feeling spine, I invite you to let the joy of pure presence rise up in your being!


Advanced Power Vinyasa

LEVEL 2/3 - Challenge yourself with this fast-paced vinyasa flow that explores whole body movements like Fallen Star , Warrior 3, and Dolphin Pose. Prior yoga experience is probably wise as some poses are introduced with limited alignment cues. Your hard work will pay off in a juicy release in the final minutes as you relax into a warm, grounded yin practice. This virtual class offers the hard reset of a studio-style power yoga class, from the comfort of your home.